Selected data on the City of Prague as of 31 December 2020
Land area
Number of inhabitans
1 335 084
Total length of road network
4 060
of which administered by TSK
2 342
administered by other
1 718
Number of bridge structures on the road network administered by TSK
of which bridge structures over the Vltava
Number of road tunnels (total length 14 km)
Sidewalk area administered by TSK
Number of motor vehicles
1 160 982
of which number of passenger automobiles
925 716
Vehicle ownership (vehicles per 1 000 inhabitants)
Automobile ownership (passenger automobiles per 1 000 inhabitants)
Length of metro network
Length of tram network
dedicated track bed
Length of urban and suburban bus network in Prague
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) by metro, trams, buses and trains on city territory territolaky)
average workday
0.6 mil.
195.2 mil.
Number of traffic signals
signals at separate pedestrian crossings
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) by automobile on road network
average workday
21.5 mil.
6.8 mld.
Modal split – motor transport (by number of trips on city territory over the workday)*
public transport
automobile transport
Number of recorded traffic accidents
16 925
Number of recorded traffic accident injuries
1 757
1 604
Relative accident rate (number of accidents per 1 milion VKT)

* Balance of all trips in passenger transport within the city per workday. Derived calculation is based on the 43th week of 2020 (that is from 19th to 23th October), more detailed numbers are not available.

Comparison of Prague and the Czech Republic
Comparison by area, population and level of vehicle and car ownership
Prague Czech Rep. Prague/CZ (%)
Land area (km2) 496 78 870 0.6
Population (mil.) 1.335 10.702 12.5
Number of motor vehicles (in thousands) 1 161 8 243 14.1
of which passenger cars (thousands) 926 6 096 15.2
Vehicle ownership motor vehicles per 1 000 persons 870 770 -
persons per 1 motor vehicle 1.1 1.3 -
Car ownership Passenger cars per 1 000 persons 693 570 -
Persons per 1 motor vehicle 1.4 1.8 -
Comparison of VKT in the years 1990–2020 (millions of VKT/avg. workday, 0:00-24:00)
Year Prague* Czech Republic**
1990 7.3 80.9
2000 16.6 131.2
2010 22.2 140.9
2015 44 429 154.9
2016 22.3 160.4
2018 23.0 171.1
2019 23.4 174.2
2020 21.5 158.0
Index 2020/1990 (%) 294.5 195.1
Index 2020/2019 (%) 91.9 90.6

* whole road network     ** motorways and class 1, 2 and 3 roads, incl. segments within Prague

Comparison of registered vehicles in 1961–2020
Year Prague Czech Republic (up until 1971 Czechoslovakia)
Population Motor vehicles Passenger cars Population Motor vehicles Passenger cars
(000s) total % Total % (000s) total % total %
1961 1 007 93 106 22 44 891 13 13 746 1 326 801 - 291 680 -
1971 1 082 203 519 48 133 129 40 14 419 2 931 629 - 1 041 137 -
1981 1 183 367 007 86 284 756 85 10 306 3 449 300 85 1 872 694 79
1990 1 215 428 769 9.4 336 037 100 10 365 4 039 606 100 2 411 297 100
2000 1 181 746 832 174 620 663 185 10 267 5 230 846 129 3 720 316 154
2010 1 257 928 769 4.8 699 630 208 10 533 6 036 576 149 4 494 425 186
2015 1 267 941 145 219 740 745 220 10 554 6 990 542 173 5 130 266 213
2016 1 281 1 002 645 234 795 178 237 10 579 7 265 766 180 5 346 182 222
2017 1 295 1 058 949 247 844 613 251 10 610 7 550 908 187 5 572 788 231
2018 1 309 1 104 392 258 882 717 263 10 650 7 814 215 193 5 778 593 240
2019 1 324 1 140 482 266 911 844 271 10 694 8 053 984 199 5 960 041 247
2020 1 335 1 160 982 271 925 716 275 10 702 8 243 499 204 6 095 702 253
Comparison of registered vehicles in 1961–2020
Year Prague
Population Motor vehicles Passenger cars
(000s) total % Total %
1961 3.10 93 106 22 26.11 13
1971 1 082 203 519 48 28.6 40
1981 28.3 367 007 86 284 756 85
1990 1 215 4.12 9.4 336 037 100
2000 26.3 746 832 174 620 663 185
2010 10.6 17.11 4.8 699 630 208
2015 1 267 941 145 219 740 745 220
2016 1 281 1 002 645 234 795 178 237
2017 1 295 1 058 949 247 844 613 251
2018 1 309 1 104 392 258 882 717 263
2019 1 324 1 140 482 266 911 844 271
2020 1 335 1 160 982 271 925 716 275
  Czech Republic (up until 1971 Czechoslovakia)
1961 13 746 1 326 801 - 291 680 -
1971 14 419 2 931 629 - 1 041 137 -
1981 10 306 3 449 300 85 1 872 694 79
1990 10 365 4 039 606 100 2 411 297 100
2000 10 267 5 230 846 129 3 720 316 154
2010 10 533 6 036 576 149 4 494 425 186
2015 10 554 6 990 542 173 5 130 266 213
2016 10 579 7 265 766 180 5 346 182 222
2017 10 610 7 550 908 187 5 572 788 231
2018 10 650 7 814 215 193 5 778 593 240
2019 10 694 8 053 984 199 5 960 041 247
2020 10 702 8 243 499 204 6 095 702 253

Up until 2001, data on the number of registered motor vehicles in Prague and the Czech Republic were taken from the Police of the Czech Republic.

In 2002–2011 they were taken from the new keepers of this data – for Prague this was the Prague City Hall Department of Transport Administration and for the Czech Republic the Ministry of Transport’s Department of Transport Administration.

Starting in 2012 the data have been taken from the new central vehicle registry (data administered by the Ministry of Transport’s Department of Road Vehicles).

Prague Transportation Yearbook 2020 ― Chapter 1