Defining other remote portlet settings

Further setting are defined in the Settings section.

  1. Enter the host details in Web Content Management Server Host: http://[HOST]:[PORT]
  2. To enable the remote rendering portlet to switch from "http" to "https" when delivering secured content, enter the SSL url in the Web Content Management Server Host SSL field.
  3. Enter the Context path of the Web Content Management application in Web Content Management Context Path. By default this is /wps/wcm .
  4. Enter the path of the Web Content Management servlet in Web Content Management Servlet Path. By default this is /connect .
  5. Enter the secured path of the Web Content Management servlet in Web Content Management Authenticated Servlet Path. By default this is /myconnect .
  6. Select Fully qualify URLs generated by Web Content Management Server to ensure that URLs generated by Web Content Management are fully qualified. This is enabled by default. When Web Content Management content is fully qualified, a generated URL looks like this:
    An unqualified URL looks like this:
    If you clear this option you must ensure that you "redirect" the HTTP server to the Web Content Management Server. You need to enter the following information in the "redirect" parameter of your HTTP server configuration.
    The HTTP server can then be configured to enable Web Content Management Resources to be load-balanced, and to apply additional security to Web Content Management Resources. refer to your HTTP server documentation for details.
  7. Enter a title for the rendering portlet. If left blank, the title entered in the portlet configuration mode is used.