Define form properties for a content template

Specify the layout and functions available to content authors when creating a new item based on this content template.

  1. Choose a layout option from the list in the Item form layout field.
    • Collapsible sections: Organizes the sections vertically and enables the author to expand and collapse the sections as needed.
    • Labeled sections: Organizes the sections of the item form vertically and separates the sections with a label.
    • Tabbed: Organizes the sections horizontally on the form and provides access to the different sections with tab-like links.
    • Legacy Tabbed: This uses the tabbed form available prior to version 7.0.
    • No Sections: Arranges all elements on the form vertically without organization by section.
  2. Select Allow elements to be managed by editors to allow authors to add additional elements. If not selected, the "Manage elements" button is not visible to authors.
  3. Select whether a default style sheet component is used when rendering rich text elements in the item form. When set, the selected style sheet is applied to rich text editors when viewed in the authoring portlet. This allow users to select css classes as styles when using the editor.
    1. Click Select default style sheet.
    2. Select a style sheet component from the list of available style sheet components, or click None if you do not want to apply a style sheet component.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Select the preferred "save" action for the form. The action selected here cannot then be hidden from the form.
  5. Select which actions to hide from authors.
  6. Select how the toolbar is displayed to authors creators.
  7. To display button in reverse order, select Reverse the button order within the toolbar.
  8. If you want to override the default help text for the item form with help text specific to your environment, enter the help text in the Item form help text field.

    The help text you create in this field applies to the entire item form. When the author clicks the Show help link on the item form, the help text is displayed in a dedicated area of the form.

    With the embedded editor provided in this field, you can add help text as HTML. You can format the HTML text using the design view, which provides toolbar buttons for common tasks, or you can work directly with the text in a source view that displays the HTML tagging. If you have previously prepared content in HTML format that you want to include in the help, you can import that content using the embedded editor.

    Note: Although link components can be selected using the insert link button, link components do not work in item form help.