Define site area properties

Specify the characteristics of the item generated from the site area template, including the type of item to be created, where it can be saved and version control strategies.

  1. If you want to define a default presentation template for site areas that use this site area template, click Select Presentation Template. If no valid template map in a site area exists for a site area that uses this site area template, the default presentation template is used to render the site area.
  2. Specify where a site area created from this site area template is listed by selecting one of the following options from the Default placement of new item field. The option you select determines where the new item is displayed in indexes and navigators.
    • First Child
    • Last Child
  3. Select whether to force a new item to be saved in the first workflow stage when using "Save as" or not. If selected, users will not have a choice about where to save an item when using "Save As" and the new item will be automatically saved in the first workflow stage.
  4. Select Restrict allowed authoring templates to restrict which authoring templates are allowed for children of site areas created using this site area template. This is useful when you want to restrict the types of site areas and content items that can be used beneath a certain type of site area. For example, to only allow "news" items to be created within a "news" section of a website. These restrictions only apply to the new, move, copy, link, and save as operations.
    1. Click Add.
    2. Select the authoring template you want to include.
    3. Click OK.
  5. Select the type of version management to use when creating site areas using this site area template:
    • Configured default: The default version management setting is used.
    • Allow users to manually version on demand: This option enables users to create versions of items when required.
    • Automatically version every update: A new version of the item is created each time the item is saved.
    • Do not offer a manual version option, and do not version automatically: Version management is disabled for items based on this site area template.