Inserting a link to remote content

You can insert links to remote content into elements containing a rich text field by using the Insert Link to Remote Document button in the rich text editor. Only remote content that has been configured remote server access can be selected by using this button.

Click Insert Link to Remote Document, and use the wizard panels to select a document.
To connect to a remote server, you identify the server and the authentication method used to access the server. You can either select a predefined server or enter the server URL directly. By default, no predefined servers are configured, but an administrator can add servers to the list. To authenticate with a server, there are several available methods:
  • If single sign-on is configured between the remote server and the portal, you can connect with the current user.
  • You can enter a user ID and password for the remote server.
  • You can select a credential vault slot associated with the server. Credential vault slots are set up by an administrator and enable users to log in without credentials.
Note: The Insert Link to Remote Document function requires the Page Builder theme. If the page containing the authoring portlet does not use this theme, the features for remote links are not displayed in the rich text editor. Specifically, the menu entry and the button to insert links to remote documents are suppressed. If the function is not available but is required, ensure that the Page Builder theme is applied to the portal page containing the authoring portlet. If the feature is disabled when using inline editing of web content, complete these steps:
  • Apply the Page Builder theme to the hidden authoring page.
  • Apply the Page Builder No Skin to the reserved authoring portlet instance.