Specify identification information for the publish
action, including the name, title and description of the publish action.
- Type the name of the item in the Name field. The name of site areas and content items are used to construct
the URL path for those items. Component names are used when referencing
components in web content tags.
- The value you type can contain only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: $ - _ . ! ( )
A period " . " should not be used in an authoring
template name, field name within an authoring template, a resource
collection name or attribute name within a collection if using Personalization to personalize
web content.
- Do not use double-byte or non-ASCII characters.
- You can create different item types with the same name, although
this is not recommended.
- You can create items of the same type with the same name so long
as the path to the item is different. For example, you can create
two categories with the same name so long as they are saved under
different categories:
- \taxonomyA\categoryA\shoes
- \taxonomyA\categoryB\shoes
- \taxonomyB\categoryB\shoes
- Names are not case sensitive, so you cannot create one item named
"News" and another item of the same item-type named "news" in the
same path.
- Type the title of the item in the Display Title field. The title is the text displayed to users when viewing a list
of items. Unlike the name, titles can use double-byte and non-ASCII
- Click Localizations to select
a text provider plug-in and key. A text provider is used to provide
localized text that can be used within web content item forms. The
key is used to look up a string from the selected text provider. The
text provider displays a different title for each locale it has been
configured for. The text entered in the display title field is only
used if an appropriate text label is not available from the selected
text provider, or if the text provider is not available.
- Type a brief description of your item in the Description field. The information entered here describes
the purpose of the item.
- Click Localizations to select
a text provider plug-in and key. A text provider is used to provide
localized text that can be used within web content item forms. The
key is used to look up a string from the selected text provider. The
text provider displays a different description for each language it
has been configured for. The text entered in the description field
is only used if an appropriate text label is not available from the
selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.