Specify the workflow to be used by this content
- You can choose whether to enable workflows on items created
using this authoring template by selecting Enable workflow
for items created with this authoring template.
- To select a workflow, click Select Workflow.
- Select a workflow and then click OK.
- Enter dates and times to execute any date or time specific
workflow actions.
- Click
to select a date.
- Click
to select a time.
- Publish Date
- Select the date and time to execute a publish action in a workflow
Note: This cannot be set on the content template. You can only
select a publish date on the content item itself.
- Expiry Date
- Select the date and time to execute an expire action in a workflow.
- General dates
- These dates are executed when using custom actions to perform
scheduled tasks not based on published or expired dates.
Note: Selecting a publish or expire date
does not cause the item to be published or expired. The selected workflow
must include a publish or expire action for this to happen. The publish
and expire dates and times do not represent the time the item is published
or expired. They represent the time the publish or expire action can
be executed which may occur before the item is moved to either the
published or expired stage of the workflow cycle.
If no date or
time is selected then it will default to the date the item was created
which allows the publish and expire actions to be executed immediately
when the item is moved to the published or expired stage of the workflow
The date and time selected here are based on the timezone
of the server you are accessing, not the timezone of the computer
you are using.
- To select additional users to those already specified as
having access to the rendered item, click Select Additional
- To add users or groups, click Add.
- Select either Users or Groups.
- Enter text to search for in the Search field and then click Search. (Leave the Search field blank to display all
users or groups.)
- Select the required users or groups and then click OK.
- To remove users or groups, select the users or groups
you would like to remove and then click Remove.