Working with favorites

You can select any open item or view as a favorite. These are then accessible within the Personal Views menu, and in some selection lists.

To mark an item as a favorite:
  1. Open an item and click the Add to my favorites button.
  2. The item is listed under Personal Views > Favorite items, and in some selection lists.
To mark multiple items as favorites:
  1. Open a view in the library explorer.
  2. Select multiple items.
  3. Click More Actions > Add to My Favorites.
  4. The items are listed under Personal Views > Favorite items, and in some selection lists.
To save a view as a favorite location:
  1. Open a view and click the Add to my favorites button.
  2. Type a name for the new favorite location and click OK. Any applied filters will be saved in the new favorite location.
  3. The favorite location is listed under Personal Views > Favorite location.
Removing a favorite:
  1. Open a favorite item or location and then click the Remove from my favorites button.
To remove multiple items from favorites:
  1. Open a view in the library explorer.
  2. Select multiple items.
  3. Click More Actions > Remove from My Favorites.