Working with your home page

Your home page is a personalized landing page for all you common web content management tasks. It is designed to be a simpler and more personalized user interface than the more advanced library explorer.

If your administrator has enabled the home page, this will be the first thing you see when you access the authoring portlet. You should be able to perform most of your daily tasks using the home page, including creating content, reviewing drafts and approving items, without having to access the more advanced library explorer. You can access the library explorer by clicking Open the Library Explorer. To return to the home page from the library explorer, click Home in the library explorer navigation bar. If the navigation bar is disabled, return to the home page by closing the current form that you are editing.

The Create Content view

This view displays a set of authoring templates that you can quickly use to create new content. The authoring templates you see displayed in this section of the home page are either authoring templates selected to be displayed by your administrator, or authoring templates you have personally selected as favorites. You can select your favorite authoring templates by opening the library explorer and navigating to the list of authoring templates you have access to. You can then select your favorite authoring templates.

Open Views in the Library Explorer

This section displays any views you have opened in the library explorer during the current session. It also display a list of your favorite locations. When browsing the library explorer view, you can mark any open view as a favorite. These will be displayed on the home page the next time you access your authoring system.

Web Content Activity

This view displays recent activity by all the users of your authoring system and is used to keep track of any recent activity on your authoring system. Additionally, you can also view lists of your favorite items, items you have recently edited, your current draft items and any items that require your approval.