Note on formatting numbers

The Java Number Format Pattern Syntax is used to set the format of numbers.

Table 1. Java Number Format Pattern Syntax
Symbol Meaning.
0 Represents a digit. Leading and trailing zeros are shown.
# Represents a digit. Leading and trailing zeros are not shown.
. A placeholder for decimal separator.
, A placeholder for grouping separator.
E Used to separate a mantissa and exponent in exponential formats.
; Used to separate formats.
- The default negative prefix.
% Multiplies the number by 100 and displays it as a percentage.
? Multiplies the number by 1000 and displays it per mille.
¤ Displays the number as a currency.
' Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.


For the number 123456.789.

Table 2. Example
Format Pattern Result
###,###.### 123,456.789
###.## 123456.79
00000000.0000 000123456.7890