
Personalization can recognize a specific site visitor based on a profile. It can also determine characteristics of a user based on previous purchases, products or pages viewed, or other attributes. If a visitor belongs to a particular geographic region, content specific to that region can be targeted to the visitor. The page is assembled with the personalized information, and the visitor sees a personalized page.

Personalization includes the following tools: The engines are sometimes collectively called the Personalization run time server.

The engine identifies the particular user. Personalization retrieves user profile. For example, a user profile might include salary range information. If a user has a high salary range, you can configure Personalization to show information about a premium product on the website.

Types of Personalization

There are three types of Personalization:
Simple filtering
A site renders content based on predefined groups of site visitors. For example, if a site visitor is in the Human Resources department, the site provides access to URLs containing Human Resources policy manuals.
Rules engines
In a rules-based system, the site owner defines a set of business rules. The rules determine what category of content is shown when a certain profile type visits the site. An example would be to show all four-wheel drive SUVs to visitors in the northeast in the 21-to-35 age group.

Use this approach to drive the site behavior based on the business objectives. The site owner is usually the owner of a marketing campaign or some other business manager.

Collaborative filtering
A site visitor rates a selection of products, explicitly or implicitly. Those ratings are compared with the ratings offered by other visitors. Software algorithms detect similarities. For example, a visitor receives book recommendations based on the similar purchases of others.