Inserting a link in an element

You can insert links into elements containing an HTML or rich text field using the Insert Link button.

  1. Click the Insert Link button.
  2. To add a link to a URL, either type or paste the URL in the Type a URL field.
    Note: The inserted URL is rendered relative to the URL of the site area of the currently rendered content item. Internet protocols (such as Http://) should be added at the beginning of the inserted link if an absolute URL is intended to be rendered.
  3. To add a link to web content, an image component, a file component or an existing link component, click Browse Content.
    1. Select the library the item is stored in.
    2. Select the item to link to.
    3. Click OK
  4. To add a link to a document in the current place, click Browse Libraries.
    1. Select the library the document is stored in.
    2. Select the document to link to.
    3. Click OK
  5. Select a link display type:
    You select this to display the link as text.
    • Use name of linked item: You select this to use the title of the item being linked to as the link text.
    • Link text: Enter the text to use as the link text. To enter text you must unselect Use name of linked item.
    Image Component
    You select this to display the link as an image. Click Select Image to select an image component to use as the link image.
  6. Enter a description of the link by selecting either:
    Use description of linked item
    You select this to use the description of the item being linked to as the link description.
    Enter description
    You select this to enter the text to use as the link description. To enter a description you must unselect Use description of linked item.
  7. Enter an optional query string. You can use a query string entered here as a search parameter in a menu element. For example, you could enter this query string: myquery=shoes You can then specify "myquery" as a search parameter in a menu element.
  8. Select a link target:
    You select this to specify the name of the link target.
    New Window
    You select this to open the link in a new browser window.
    Select this to specify no link target.
    You select this to open the link in the parent frameset of the frame the link appears in, replacing the entire frameset.
    You select this to open the link in the current frame, replacing the content in that frame.
    You select this to open the link in the current browser window, replacing all frames.
  9. Click OK.