Define how search results are displayed for the menu element.
This includes defining the sort order for results, paging options
for menu elements with multiple pages of results, and formatting options
controlling how the menu is rendered.
- Specify how the search results displayed in the menu element
are sorted.
- Select the sort order for the results.
- Ascending: Sorts results in ascending order.
- Descending: Sorts results in descending
- Select the content item fields on which you want to
base the sort ordering. You can select a primary field
and two additional fields to provide more fine-grained sorting of
the results. The sort fields are applied in order, so that results
are sorted first by the primary field, then by the secondary field,
and finally by the tertiary field.
- Specify paging options for the menu element.
- Enter the number of items that are displayed in each
menu page.
- Enter the number of the start page for displaying search
results in the menu.
- Enter the maximum number of results pages to be included
in the menu.
- Enter the number of results pages to read ahead when
using a page navigation element. For example, if you enter 3, the
page navigation element calculates results up to 3 pages ahead of
the current page. Increasing this number improves the accuracy of
the page navigation element. Lowering this number improves the performance
of the page navigation element when rendered.
Note: To display multiple menu pages, you need to use a page
navigation element. This is referenced within the header or footer
of the menu design.
Note: Changes to paging
options are not visible to users until the session cache has expired,
or a user starts a new session.
- Specify the formatting options used to display the menu
element. Enter text, tags, and code into the menu design
fields as required.
- The text entered in the Header and Footer designs
will appear before and after the displayed menu results. When entering
design tagging for menu elements with multiple pages of search results,
you can reference a page navigation element in the header or footer
to provide the user with a way of navigating through the menu pages.
- The text entered into the Component Design for each
matching content field defines the format of each menu
- The text entered into the Separator field
appear between each displayed menu result.
- The text entered into the No result design field
is displayed if no matches are found for the menu search criteria.