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About TSK (Technical Road Administration)

TSK Prague is a joint stock company, the founder and sole shareholder of which is the City of Prague. 
The company was founded primarily to manage, maintain, repair and further develop real estate, which includes Class II and Class III roads and selected private roads in the capital city. Furthermore, we also provide services related to the administration of this real estate as well as design, traffic and construction engineering activities. 
We mainly provide continuous maintenance of roads and their accessories such as traffic signs, traffic lights, pavements, bridges, tunnels, greenery, embankment walls, and many other objects. If necessary, we are able to provide repairs and reconstructions of city roads both partial and complete, as well as organising construction activities in transport.
In addition, we also deal with measures to reduce traffic accidents by optimising traffic organisations and management and monitoring and evaluation of the public transport system to systematically develop it further in the capital city of Prague to pass Prague city as smoothly and quickly as possible.
All the administrative activities we provide are overseen and undertaken by trained employees such as administrators and technicians who are focused on the management of communication assets. They manage, govern and organise all of the city’s communications assets. 
TSK activities have built on the previous organisation that managed communications in the capital city of Prague. Since 1963, there has existed an organisation called Prague Communications. In 1967 TSK was established and in 1996 began to operate as a subsidiary organisation in the City of Prague and since January 1, 2008 TSK Prague merged with the City of Prague Transport Engineering. 

TSK Core Responsibilities 

TSK core responsibilities under the current contract are as follows:
  • ensuring road surface marking and repairing of roads to prevent driving and walking problems due to the technical conditions of roads
  • ensuring road block cleaning 
  • ensuring sewer maintenance 
  • ensuring the maintenance and operation of P+R carparks
  • ensuring road tunnel traffic
  • ensuring continuous dispatching services for the recording and resolution of road conditions
  • providing concept, registration, and administrative support for the traffic organisation of the urban traffic management.
  • coordination of traffic development
  • management of the City of Prague property records
  • managing part of Prague's accounting ledgers related to the financing of transport development 
  • ensuring the disposal of unusable managed assets


Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy, a.s.
email: tsk@tsk-praha.cz
Address: Veletržní 1623/24
170 00 Praha 7
Data box: mivq4t3
IČ (company reg. number): 03447286
DIČ (VAT number): CZ03447286
Where to find us -
Office (opening) hours - Registry
 Monday  8:00 - 15:00
 Wednesday  8:00 - 15:00
Please use this form to report accidents and failures on the roads and assets under the management of TSK Praha