Web Content Manager includes a range of features that
enable you manage the web content items used in your system.
Managing versions of items
You can configure your system to either automatically save
a version of an item each time it is published, or allow users to
select when to save a version of an item. You can restore items individually,
or choose to restore a set of items within a library that either have
the same label or were versioned at, or before, a specified date and
Deleting an item
You cannot always immediately delete items. Sometimes you
need to perform steps to prepare an item for deletion.
Viewing item references
The "view references" tool assists you to view and manage
all the links between items.
Managing authoring templates
From time to time, you may need to reapply or change the
authoring templates assigned to a set of items.
Managing a taxonomy
From time to time, you need to edit the structure of a
Working with draft items
Creating a draft of an item allows you to work on changes
to that item without changing the published version of the item. Draft
items can either be stand-alone items, or form part of a workflow.
Once the changes are completed, you can choose to either publish the
item, or discard the changes by cancelling the draft. You can create
multiple drafts of a single item.
Working with expired items
Expired items are items that were once published but have
since been removed from the live website. Only items that use a workflow
can be expired.
Working with published items
Items are not visible on a website until they are published.
Once published, an item can be expired, or returned to a draft state.
Removing and adding workflows
The process of adding and removing workflows on items is
determined by the type of item being edited, and your level of access.
Restoring an item
Previous versions of items can be stored and then restored
later if required.
Editing user profiles
You can add profile information to users. User profiles
can be used as search parameters in menus.